
Why did I start this blog?

To write. But not to write stories that deserve to be in a book, but to write stories with wich keep my fingers alive. Because if you spend too much time without touching the keys, your mind gets oxidized and your fingers forgot how to move themselves. Because there are stories to love them at one time and one place, and there are others to sit down with them and raise them and educate them as if they were your own children.

Why it is called "Between Ύβρις & Αρετή"?

Because as I explain in the stories labeled, these two concepts are ussually opposites too many times in my life, and I think in others life, that I just can seek a way to explain this way of seeing the world. A world where virtue without limit can be defeated; and exacerbated opulence and pride can create wonderful things. Meanwhile we try to elucidate in the midst of that maelstrom which one is the right way to follow the intentions of our spirit. As Lao Tzu wrote in Tao Te Ching:

"The world is a spiritual vessel, which can't be controlled. 
Manipulators mess things up. Grabbers lose it. "


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